Wednesday 6 July 2011

Toronto to Vancouver - Log #004# (St Joseph Island - Sault Ste Marie - Lake Superior, Ontario)

On my way to Lake Superior.

Espanola was founded in the early 1900s as a company town for the employees of the Spanish River Pulp and Paper company, which opened a pulp and paper mill there.

During the WWW2 the mill site was used as a camp for German prisoners of war.

The term First Nations has come into general use for the indigenous peoples of the Americas located in what is now Canada, except for the Arctic-situated Inuit, and peoples of mixed European-First Nations ancestry called Métis.

In 1955 uranium was discovered near Blind River and in 1983 a uranium refinery was built just west of Blind River. 

To ensure that logs drifted freely along the river, men called "log drivers" were needed to guide the logs. 

This was an exceedingly dangerous occupation, with the drivers standing on the moving logs and running from one to another. 

Many log drivers lost their lives by falling and being crushed by the logs.

The Iron Bridge.

St Joseph Island is one of the major places producing Marple syrup. 

Below Maple forests.

Arriving Sault Ste Marie.

The bridge to USA.

Sault Ste Marie is a rundown city badly hit by unemployment, booze and drugs.

The city has made a name for itself in steel-making, and Essar Steel Algoma is the largest single employer with 3500 employees at the main plant.

Harbor of Sault St Marie, facing the American Coast.

Towards Lake Superior.

Chippewa Falls is the midpoint of the Trans-Canada Highway

The Trans-Canada Highway is a federal-provincial highway system that joins the ten provinces of Canada. It is, along with the Trans-Siberian Highway and Australia's Highway 1, one of the world's longest national highways, with the main route spanning 8,030 km (4,990 mi)

Lake Superior.

Agawa Rock Pictographs on Lake Superior. The pictographs are enduring messages from the past records of ancient dreams, visions and events. The Ojibwe people created these paintings to portray mystical beings animals and humans.

Mishipizheu (the Underwater panther, or Great Lynx) was a powerful creature in the mythological traditions of some Native American tribes.

Mishipizheu, canoe and serpents.

The Agawa Rock is a sacred place for the Ojibwe people.

The cliffs shape the face of an old woman, thus the name Old Woman Beach on Lake Superior.

Soundtrack: The Log Driver's Waltz