Friday 1 October 2010

Aqaba to Lavrio - Log #021# - Israel (the End)

After being banned from entering Syria I had 3 options.

First option was drive to Jordan, cross the Iraqi borders and then enter Turkey and drive to Izmir to take the boat.

Second option, drive to Egypt then Lybia and get the ferry from Tunisia to Sicily.

Third one was to sell the motorbike in Israel and fly to Athens.

After some search on the Internet a 4th option came up, a Cyprian Shipping Company that operates a cargo ship transferring melons from Haifa to Lavrio. The motorbike sailed to Lavrio and I flew to Athens.

Port of Haifa.
Pontos ship, she carries fruits and other cargo from Israel to Limassol, Cyprus and then Lavrio.

Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv named after the founder of Israel,first Prime Minister of Israel and a Zionist leader.

On November 7, 1911, Ben Gurion arrived in Thessaloniki in order to learn Turkish for his law studies. The city, which had a large Jewish community, impressed Ben Gurion who called it "a Jewish city that has no equal in the world."

Ben Gurion's views on the Middle East affairs are still instilled on Israel's national policy and moulded the thinking of many generations of Israelis.

The End.