Friday 1 October 2010

Aqaba to Lavrio - Log #018# - Israel (Jerusalem)

The Damascus Gate into the Old city of Jerusalem.

The Wailing Wall (right part of the photo) or Kotel at the foot of the western side of the Temple Mount , is the remnant of the wall that surrounded the second Temple and it is the most sacred place in Judaism.

For Judaism Temple Mount is the place where God gathered the dust used to create the first man, Adam.

The golden dome on the horizon is El-Sakhrah or the Dome of The Rock the oldest existing Islamic building in the world and the 3rd holiest place for Muslims.

The Dome of The Rock houses the Foundation Stone or Holy of The Holies where the Ark of the covenant was stored during the Second Temple period.

Muslims believe that the Foundation stone found under the Dome of Rock is the place from where prophet Muhammad rose to heavens.

The Dome is covered with gold.

With Israeli friends Karni,Maya and Eyal.

Jews are celebrating the Sukkot (Feast of Booths) at this time of the year and they built sukkahs (Booths) to commemorate 40 years in the desert. Sukkah is a walled structure covered with flora, such as tree branches or bamboo shoots.

Sukkot is the 3rd in a row of major Jewish festivals after Rosh Hashana (anniversary of the creation of the world) and Yom Kipur (Day of Forgiveness).

The sukkah is intended to remind of the type of fragile dwellings in which the ancient Israelites dwelt during their 40 years of wandering in the desert after the Exodus from Egypt.

Throughout the holiday the sukkah becomes the primary living area of one's home. All meals are eaten inside the sukkah and many sleep there as well.

Close up of the Wailing wall.

Under Temple Mount there are tunnels that lead to the foundation of the Wall of the temple. These are also places of worship and praying.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The site is considered by many Christians as Golgotha (the Hill of Calvary), where the New Testament says that Jesus was crucified and is said to also contain the place where Jesus was buried (the sepulchre).

The sepulchre, Jesus was buried here according to the scripts.

The Stone of Anointing where Jesus was prepared for burial.

Street alley in Jerusalem.

The West Bank barrier 700 km long is built across the "Green LIne" to offer security to Israelis from suicide bombers.

The sepulchre

IDF soldiers and Orthodox Jews (Haredim) dance in circle to celebrate the end of Succot.

The Wailing Wall.

Under the ark that is beside the Kotel.

Daily Distance: 80 Km
Total Distance: 3700 Km
Pros: Karni and Maya
Cons: null
Soundtrack: Oasis, Wonderwall